Babysitter who will practice English with your children in Hrašće Turopoljsko
Found 11 sitters
Looking for an English speaking babysitter? Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters with English who will not only look after your children in Hrašće Turopoljsko, but also practice English together in a fun way.
Bregitte M.
8 €/hour
Bregitte M.
8 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, my name is Bregitte. I’m 27, and I'm from the Philippines. Recently I moved to Croatia. Previously, I worked in the Philippines and Dubai as a babysitter and cleaner. Why ...

Nikolina Ć.
8 €/hour
Nikolina Ć.
8 €/hour
Bokić,ja sam Nikolina imam 27 godina,trenutno neradim,zavrsila sam srednju skolu za komercijalista. U čuvanju djece imam iskustva radila sam to i sama imam 3 mlade seke. Obozava...

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