Find a babysitter with overnight care in Marčelji
Found 49 sitters
Are you looking for a sitter who will look after your children not only during the day, but also during the night? Discover the world of night babysitting at Choose from a wide range of reliable babysitters who will take care of your children overnight in Marčelji.
Arijana B.
Arijana B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am studying History and Art History at the University of Rijeka. Throughout my studies, I have gained experience working with children of all ages through various museum work...
Melissane D.
Melissane D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I started babysitting when i was young, my mom used to be a nanny for 10 years at home so i've seen and play with a lots of childs. Then, when i was a teenager, the parents chil...
Leonarda S.
Leonarda S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Studentica sam Prijediplomskog studija Logopedije na Sveučilištu u Rijeci. Već dugi niz godina posvećena sam čuvanju djece - brinula sam se u mlađem bratu, čuvala djecu od sestr...
Eleonora T.
Eleonora T.
- Document verified
Imam iskustva u čuvanju djece različitih životnih dobi. Ljubazna sam, prilagodljiva, majka sina od 31 godine, sa mojim djetetom sam prošla sve životne faze. Odgoj djeteta zahtij...
Uglavnom sam dostupna od petka do ponedjeljka, po potrebi i ostalim danima.