Home cleaning Vranjic
Found 78 cleaners
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Luciana Ć.
15 €/hour
Luciana Ć.
15 €/hour
- Document verified
I'm a perfectionist and everything I do has to be right lined for me. I think that says enough. By the way, I cleaned apartments some time ago.

Elizabeta L.
15 €/hour
Elizabeta L.
15 €/hour
- Document verified
Greeting, I am the mother of a two-year-old and regularly clean and maintain our home. My parents owned apartments that I regularly cleaned, and on the side I maintained a few m...

Katarina E.
10 €/hour
Katarina E.
10 €/hour
- Document verified
Iako čišćenje ponekad može biti naporno, donosi mi i zadovoljstvo. Osjećaj svježine i urednosti nakon dobro obavljenog posla je neprocjenjiv.

Preko tjedna i vikenda sam dostupna poslijepodnevnim satima od 15h, a subotom i nedjeljom sam slobodna u bilo koje doba.