Cleaning and ironing lady in Remetinec
Found 58 cleaners
Are you looking for a cleaning lady who will also iron for you in Remetinec? Discover the world of cleaning at Choose a cleaning lady who will not only clean your home, but also help you iron your clothes.

Valentina L.
Valentina L.
- Document verified
I clean my home every day, and I cleaned apartments in the summer. I'm an extremely tidy person, so cleaning relaxes me, the only thing I need are cleaning supplies. :)

Nikolina E.
Nikolina E.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I clean every day, even cleaned a parlour in my home for years. I am thorough and reliable. Call with confidence.

Kristijan M.
Kristijan M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am involved on cleaning on daily bases. Use to work for the cleaning company in Slovenia, where i cleaned offices and production facilities. I also worked at the car wash company

Martina B.
Martina B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Pozdrav:) Bavim se čišćenjem stanova i kuća duže vrijeme. Osim toga iskustvo sam stekla radeći ljetnu sezonu kao sobarica na našem primorju. Posjedujem parni čistač-Kärcher koj...

Uglavnom sam dostupna od ponedjeljka do petka. Za dogovor termina slobodno me kontaktirate, tj. pošaljete poruku.