Home cleaning Zagreb
Found 119 cleaners
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Veronika K.
10 €/hour
Veronika K.
10 €/hour
- Document verified
Besides general home cleaning, I also clean spaces that belong to my friends and family. I also work in a Sports center where one of my responasbilities is also cleaning. Howeve...

Dorotea H.
12 €/hour
Dorotea H.
12 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am currently studying on PMF biology and chemistry for teaching in school, i went to xvi.gimnasium, I was raised and currently am living in Zagreb. I know how to clean enture ...

Andreja P.
15 €/hour
Andreja P.
15 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello,I am involved in a cleaning on a daily base in my flat,and I have experience with cleaning officea! I am free to work in the afternoon on work days,weekends and holidays!

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