Pet sitting Blato
Found 107 pet sitters
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Marlena M.
4.5 €/hour
Marlena M.
4.5 €/hour
- Document verified
Ja sam marlena marić i imam 38 godina.obožavam prirodu i životinje i volim se družiti s njima.volim šetati i nije mi problem povesti više pasa odjednom.znam i sa opasnim pasminama.

Miranda S.
5 €/hour
Miranda S.
5 €/hour
- Document verified
Dear owners of our furry friends, welcome to my profile! Ever since I was a child, I adore all animals, and two beautiful Border Collies, Dunja and Esma, found their home with m...

Uglavnom sam dostupna svaki radni dan poslije 16, te cijeli dan vikendom