Pet sitting Luka Vrbovečka
Found 46 pet sitters
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Anamaria Š.
4 €/hour
Anamaria Š.
4 €/hour
Dear pet owners, I am a big fan of furry friends. I always had some kind of pet, but mostly dogs and cats. I currently have a lively little mixed breed at home. When taking care...
Benjamin T.
6 €/hour
Benjamin T.
6 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
Dragi vlasnici Ovo pišem kao veliki entuzijast kada su u pitanju životinje, pogotovo psi i mačke. U svoje 24 godine svaku od njih proveo sam okružen psima, dva velika njemačka ...
Dostupna sam utorkom i petkom cijeli dan, te vikendima. Ostale dane u popodnevnim satima.