Pet sitting Vukomerec
Found 86 pet sitters
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Antonia M.
Antonia M.
- Document verified
Pozdrav! Kućne ljubimce imam od malena (psi, mačke, papiga). Volim životinje, volim se družiti s njima, šetati, igrati se s njima. Trenutno imam samo macu, no nije u stanu sa m...
Anamaria Š.
Anamaria Š.
Dear pet owners, I am a big fan of furry friends. I always had some kind of pet, but mostly dogs and cats. I currently have a lively little mixed breed at home. When taking care...
Loretta Š.
Loretta Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Trebate čuvanje, šetanje, istrčavanje, igranje, maženje, paženje... svog kućnog ljubimca, a nemate vremena, bolesni ste, radite, imate nešto za obaviti... slobodno se javite sa ...
Valeria M.
Valeria M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hi everyone, I'm here to help you take care of your pets while you are away and can't do it yourself! I adore cats and I can take care of them in my apartment, as well as dogs. ...
Pon do petka po dogovoru