Pet sitting Gornji Draganec
Found 17 pet sitters
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Valentina T.
Valentina T.
- Document verified
I have a Labrador named Rexi and a royal Alexander parrot named Koko. Up until three years ago, I also had a long-haired cat named Čupka. I love animals very much, especially c...
Barbara B.
Barbara B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Since I have three indoor cats and taking care of stray cats, I'm responsible and know how to take care of animals. I treat my cats as I would treat friends (or probably even be...
Martina C.
Martina C.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dragi vlasnici kucnih ljubimaca, sa zadovoljstvom cu se pobrinuti o vasem psu bilo da se radi o cuvanju ili povremenoj brizi o vasem ljubimcu... Imam iskustva sa svim pasminama ...
Olivera B.
Olivera B.
- Document verified
Vrlo volim životinje i posjedujem dvije predivne mačke. Imam također iskustvo sa psima i mogu čuvat i šetati psa ako nekome treba pomoći oko toga.