Pet sitting Veli Dol
Found 97 pet sitters
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Adriana M.
Adriana M.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile. All my life, I have been taking care of pets including dogs, cats, hamsters and rats. I, especially, can take care of cats and dogs cuz I...
Martina S.
Martina S.
Hello! My name is Martina. I am a certified vet. tehnician and I have been taking care and living with dog's my whole life. I offer services of walking your dog in areas such as...
Brigita B.
Brigita B.
- Document verified
Cijeli život sam okružena raznim vrstama životinja. Živim u kući s dvorištem po kojem se životinje mogu slobodno kretati, a također mogu biti i u kući. Imam strpljenja i volje z...
Anamaria V.
Anamaria V.
- Document verified
Pozdrav, 🤓 radi cjeloživotnog druženja s mačkama i trenutnog viška vremena, odlučila sam spojiti ugodno s korisnim pa nudim usluge čuvanja i brige o manjim kućnim ljubimcima u ...
Antonela K.
Antonela K.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, you can contact me if you need to take care of any pet. I love animals very much and I have always lived with dogs and cats at home, and I currently have a very...
Bilo kada po dogovoru