Pet sitting Zadrkovec
Found 92 pet sitters
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Mihaela L.
Mihaela L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Cijeli život živim sa njemačkim ovčarima te ih trenutno imam 3 te jednu mješanku. Pružam sulugu čuvanja Vaših ljubimaca u Vašem kućanstvu
Antonia M.
Antonia M.
- Document verified
Pozdrav! Kućne ljubimce imam od malena (psi, mačke, papiga). Volim životinje, volim se družiti s njima, šetati, igrati se s njima. Trenutno imam samo macu, no nije u stanu sa m...
Anamaria Š.
Anamaria Š.
Dear pet owners, I am a big fan of furry friends. I always had some kind of pet, but mostly dogs and cats. I currently have a lively little mixed breed at home. When taking care...
Katarina C.
Katarina C.
As the owner of a German hunting terrier, I know the happiness when I return home and my Fifi welcomes me full of joy. All my life I have been surrounded by dogs and cats, so I...