Pet sitting Ščitarjevo
Found 184 pet sitters
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Leonarda T.
Leonarda T.
- Document verified
Dear dog and cat lovers, I look forward to the opportunity to justify your trust 😊 I have been surrounded by dogs and cats since I was little, and I have a pure passion for ever...
Patricia P.
Patricia P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I'm a biggest fan of dogs, the best reference will give my mom which always says "when you were a kid, you were more in a doghouse than in our". I love cats as well and would li...
Veronika B.
Veronika B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome! I have been surrounded by animals from an early age, and my profession as a biologist naturally involves constant interaction with them. Growing up, I ...
Katarina-Lidija G.
Katarina-Lidija G.
- Document verified
Ljubiteljica životinja s puno iskustva i ljubavi prema čuvanju kućnih ljubimaca! Oduvijek uživam u društvu pasa, mačaka i drugih kućnih ljubimaca te razumijem koliko je važno da...
Valentina P.
Valentina P.
- Document verified
Ja sam Valentina i oduvijek sam voljela životinje. Imala sam papige, ribice, pse, mačke, štakora i trenutno imam zamorca. Mogu čuvati Vašeg ljubimca kod sebe doma, šetati se s ...
Dostupna sam za vikend u bilo koje vrijeme te preko tjedna kad se uskladimo jer studiram.