Cat sitting in Peščenica
Found 126 pet sitters
Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Peščenica who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.
Patricija K.
Patricija K.
Hello everyone <3 My name is Patricija, I am 29 years old and I live a life filled with animals. My babysitting journey has just begun and I decided to do it because I lost 2 ...
Anamaria Š.
Anamaria Š.
Dear pet owners, I am a big fan of furry friends. I always had some kind of pet, but mostly dogs and cats. I currently have a lively little mixed breed at home. When taking care...
Mihaela I.
Mihaela I.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Brinem se o kućnim ljubimcima odmalena pošto i sama doma imam puno životinja. Volontiram u azilu za pse, što znači potpuna briga za pse. Od šetnja, kupanja, čišćenja kućica, igr...
Mihaela R.
Mihaela R.
- Document verified
Uživam i volim provoditi vrijeme sa malim kućnim ljubimcima. Od malena živim u kućanstvu sa psima te bi i vašim ljubimcima pružila jednaku ljubav.
Viktorija C.
Viktorija C.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dragi vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca, dobro došli na moj profil! Rado čuvam i brinem se za kućne ljubimce, dapače fali mi malo druženja s krznenim prijateljima. Voljna sam obilaziti ...
Alehandra Č.
Alehandra Č.
- Document verified
Dragi vlasnici ljubimaca, želim se brinuti za vašeg dragog ljubimca. Naime, od malih nogu odrastala sam uz životinje, koze, zečeve, kuniće, pse i mačke. Bez obzira na vrstu živo...
Magdalena M.
Magdalena M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hi there! I'm a college student who loves animals and would be happy to take care of your pets. Whether they need walking, feeding, or just some attention and playtime, I'm her...
Klaudija Š.
Klaudija Š.
Dear pet owners, I'm Klaudija. Since I was little, I have taken care of pets such as fish, mice, birds, rabbits, a dog, but especially cats. I have experience in caring for cats...
Martina K.
Martina K.
Dear owners of pets or even better hairy, feathered or scaly family members, I am a veterinary technician by profession and I LOVE animals🥰 I would be happy to help you and take...