Cat sitting in Jankomir

Found 138 pet sitters

Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Jankomir who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.

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Karla M.

5 €/hour 40€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Zagreb

Karla M.

5 €/hour 40€/day

Pozdrav, velika ljubiteljica pasa te vlasnica 2 border colliija, muskog i zenskog (4 i 1 godina), te maltezerice (7 godina). Vrlo opsirno znanje o psima!

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Martina M.

8 €/hour 30€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 42 years
  • Zagreb

Martina M.

8 €/hour 30€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Spasila sam Tufnu kad je imala mjesec dana na cesti I bacena je medu pse I bila slijepa. Danas je nestasna zdrava maca od 3 godine. Cuvala sam retrivere, mjesance, cak I bubane ...

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Lara V.

8 €/hour 50€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Rugvica

Lara V.

8 €/hour 50€/day
  • Document verified

Hi! My name is Lara, and I'm a huge animal lover. Throughout my life, I've had numerous cats, and for the past 11 years, I've been taking care of my dog, Ben, who is like family...

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