Cat sitting in Hrašće Turopoljsko

Found 17 pet sitters

Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Hrašće Turopoljsko who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.

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Ivana Š.

5 €/hour 20€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 41 years
  • Zagreb

Ivana Š.

5 €/hour 20€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Dear pet owners, velcome to my profile. I have been caring for pets since my chilhood.I want to offer you my pet sitting services. I am passionately dedicated to caring for ani...

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Lidija M.

3 €/hour 10€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 53 years
  • Zagreb

Lidija M.

3 €/hour 10€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Dear pet owners! Since childhood I have had animals, dogs, cats, turtles, fish, guinea pigs and parrots. As I live in a house with a large fenced yard, it is not a problem for...

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Rahela B.

7 €/hour 20€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 27 years
  • Zagreb

Rahela B.

7 €/hour 20€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile! I have been taking care of dogs since I was a little girl, and recently also cats. Before owning my first dog at the age of 13, I was loo...

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Leonarda T.

10 €/hour 25€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 28 years
  • Velika Mlaka

Leonarda T.

10 €/hour 25€/day
  • Document verified

Dear dog and cat lovers, I look forward to the opportunity to justify your trust 😊 I have been surrounded by dogs and cats since I was little, and I have a pure passion for ever...

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Magdalena L.

4 €/hour 20€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 26 years
  • Veliko Polje

Magdalena L.

4 €/hour 20€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hi! I have been surrounded by animals since I was little, and since I moved out of my parents' house, I sometimes look after my mother's Maltese, when she goes on a trip or simi...

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Angelina F.

5 €/hour 35€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Angelina F.

5 €/hour 35€/day

Hello, welcome to my profile! My name is Angelina and I am a very approachable, open, optimistic and energetic person. Although I have never had pets, I really like animals, esp...

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Blanka Š.

3 €/hour 6€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 49 years
  • Zagreb

Blanka Š.

3 €/hour 6€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dear my pet owners,iam dedicated all my lige to pets.All types,especially rabbits,hamsters,birds,cats.I want to take care about them.I have experiance čast 20 years with Rabbits...

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Ana P.

15 €/hour 50€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 49 years
  • Zagreb

Ana P.

15 €/hour 50€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dragi vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca, slobodno mi se obratite za brigu i čuvanje vaših peseka i maca. Velika sam zaljubljenica u životinje, trenutno kod sebe imam labradora starog go...

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Laura B.

6 €/hour 10€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 28 years
  • Zagreb

Laura B.

6 €/hour 10€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dear pet owners, I'm glad you decided to visit my profile! My name is Laura, I am 27 years old and I live in Zagreb. Ever since I was a child, I always had love for animals, and...

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Mateja M.

3 €/hour 6€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 38 years
  • Zagreb

Mateja M.

3 €/hour 6€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dragi vlasnici kucnih ljubimaca,dobrodošli na moj profil.Od malena sam imala životinje(psa,hrcka,papigu).S godinama sam udomila i jednu mjesanku iz Azila.Brinula sam o tri mace,...

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Nina G.

12 €/hour 50€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Nina G.

12 €/hour 50€/day
  • Document verified

Postovani, Pišem vam kako bih se prijavila za posao siterice za pse. Kao strastvena ljubiteljica pasa i vlasnica dva predivna psa, imam duboko razumijevanje i iskustvo u brizi...

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Tajana Ć.

3 €/hour 6€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 47 years
  • Zagreb

Tajana Ć.

3 €/hour 6€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Pozdrav,zadnjih 15 godina imamo kući psa i mačka . Ukoliko bi Vam trebalo povremeno čuvanje vaših ljubimaca ili ih treba obići dok ste na putu slobodno se javite. Područje Novi ...

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Paula K.

7 €/hour 20€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 26 years
  • Zagreb

Paula K.

7 €/hour 20€/day

Brinem se o kućnim ljubimcima od malena. Jako volim životinje. Imala sam zečeve, ribice, hrčka, a trenutno imam 2 peseka(Pixie i Kiru) za koje "dijelim skrbništvo" sa mamom. Živ...

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Ivanka K.

6.5 €/hour 35€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 43 years
  • Donji Čehi

Ivanka K.

6.5 €/hour 35€/day
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Dragi vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca. Najviše volim brinuti o psima. Imala sam psa dalmatinera 7 godina. Volim i ostale životinje pse,ptice i hrcke,ali se nažalost užasavam gmazova.

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Matea B.

7 €/hour 50€/day
 Pet Sit Photos
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Matea B.

7 €/hour 50€/day
  • Document verified

Pozdrav vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca! Moje ime je Matea i cijeli život sam okružena raznim životinjama, naravno najviše kućnim ljubimcima. Ako mi se povjerite sa čuvanjem svojih ži...

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