Home senior care Špansko
Found 55
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Antonio-Ante K.
10 €/hour
Antonio-Ante K.
10 €/hour
- Document verified
I am open for some basic things and care such as buying groceries, stacking and giving medicine, socializing, talking. But I'm not open for things like changing diapers, bedding...

Elizabeth I.
12 €/hour
Elizabeth I.
12 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I'm an American, temporarily living in Zagreb with my Croatian spouse. I have a degree in Neuroscience from the University of Southern California, and worked as an Alzheimer's ...

Florijan S.
8 €/hour
Florijan S.
8 €/hour
- Document verified
Nije mi problem brinuti o starijim osobama i pomoći im u čemu god treba. Mogu razgovarati s njima o bilo čemu, obavljati za njih razne kućanske poslove ili bilo što drugo, skuha...

I am available from Monday to Sunday. From Monday to Friday, there are times when I am not available because I am studying at the university.