  • 26 years
  • Zagreb
  • 1 user has already contacted her
  • Activity about 1 month ago
  • Response time: 30 minutes
  •  Turistička gimnazija
  •  Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu, Anglistika i Sociologija
  • Years of experience: 7
  • Kindergarden
  • Primary school
  • High school
  • Admission high school
  • Admission primary school
  • Final exam high school
  • Online video tutoring

Klaudija V.

20 €/hour

  • 26 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

About me

I am currently in my last year of Master's Degree in English and Sociology. I offer tutoring for elementary and high school students, preparation for the state graduation exam, conversation lessons, and preparation for IELTS and Oxford tests. I have been tutoring for over 7 years, with more than 4 years of experience working as an English teacher in language schools, and I hold a TESOL Certificate for teaching English. I am very patient, I prepare my own materials, and I use exercises from Oxford textbooks, adjusting them as needed. I take an individual approach with my students, tailored to their specific needs, whether it's help with mastering the curriculum or improving their English skills.

I am available throughout the week, exclusively online, through a platform of your choice. 😊


Svaki dan

Current calendar is not availaible

Tutoring subjects

English   English

Special needs




Apsolventica sam anglistike i sociologije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu i nudim instrukcije za osnovnu i srednju školu te pripreme za državnu maturu, konverzacijske satove te pripeme za IELTS i Oxford testove. Instrukcije dajem preko 7 godina, imam preko 4 godine iskustva rada kao nastavnica engleskog u školama stranih jezika te posjedujem TESOL Certifikat za nastavnika engleskog jezika. Vrlo sam strpljiva, materijale pripremam sama i koristim zadatke iz Oxfordovih udžbenika (s time da ih prilagođavam po potrebi). Svojim učenicima pristupam individualno i prema njihovim zahtjevima (bilo da je to pomoć u svladavanju nastavnog sadržaja ili želja da se znanje engleskog unaprijedi). Dostupna sam tijekom cijelog tjedna u terminu po dogovoru, isključivo online, putem platforme po dogovoru. 😊

Where babysit

Primary city: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb » Zagreb