  • 27 years
  • Pula
  • 8 users have already contacted her
  • Activity 29 days ago
  • Response time: 3 hours
  •  Ekonomska škola Rijeka
  •  Fakultet ekonomije i turizma Pula
  • Years of experience: 2
  • Primary school
  • High school
  • matura
  • Admission high school
  • Final exam high school
  • At Student's Location
  • Online video tutoring

Marta P.

15 €/hour

  • 27 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

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About me

Imam iskustva s izradom prezentacija, seminara i eseja. Imam iskustva s podučavanjem u području informatike i programiranja (završila sam diplomski studij informatike) - Office sučelje i općenito Windows, sa starijom populacijom oko baznih stvari, kao i s mlađima. Isto tako u području ekonomije - knjiženja, bilance, računi dobiti i gubitka i slično.


Uglavom sam dostupna popodne preko tjedna, a vikendom cijeli dan.

Current calendar is not availaible

Tutoring subjects

Croatian   Croatian
English   English
  Subject title
Windows Office Visual Studio Code

Special needs

  Logopedics or help with speech disorders
  Kids with specific learning disorders



Where babysit

Primary city: Pula, Istarska županija » Pula