Tutoring Bedekovčina
Found 72 tutors
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Jelena Ž.
Jelena Ž.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am a professor of the Croatian language and history of fine arts, and I give instructions and preparations for graduation and entrance exams in both subjects. I also teach Cro...
Antonio-Ante K.
Antonio-Ante K.
- Document verified
I have experience in teaching mathematics and English at lower levels (I prefer elementary school level), and I adapt to the needs and pace of learning. I can also teach sports ...
Korina B.
Korina B.
- Document verified
I am a 3rd year student of English at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. I have an excellent knowledge of the English language and I am very skilled at transferrin...
Kristijan J.
Kristijan J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I passed the high school program in science and mathematics with excellent results and I am a pharmacy student. I often helped my colleagues, so I think I have experience in sol...
Katarina C.
Katarina C.
I am a History and Media student who is excellent at croatian and english. I participated at international competition and read books in croatian and english. I offer lessons i...
Tara T.
Tara T.
- Document verified
Pozdrav, ja sam Tara i imam 20 godina. Završila sam četverogodišnji program dentalne tehnike u Zdravstvenom učilištu te uspješno položila sve ispite državne mature. S obzirom na...
Amalija K.
Amalija K.
- Document verified
Pozdrav, završila sam Kemijsko-tehnološki fakultet, nudim instrukcije iz kemije, vedra sam, pozitivna i strpljiva osoba koja će dati sve od sebe da objasni zadani sadržaj i lekc...
Vanessa E.
Vanessa E.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Vaše dijete ima poteškoća s talijanskim!!!! Imam iskustva s podučavanjem talijanskog jezika kako za početnike, tako i za osobe koje moraju učiti jezik zbog posla ili osobnih raz...
Stela T.
Stela T.
I offer help with writting essays for elementary and high school, from Croatian essays and summaries, English, Sociology and other social sciences subjects. I create presentatio...
Antonia Z.
Antonia Z.
- Document verified
Nudim individualne ili grupne instrukcije iz fizike, biologije i hrvatskog jezika za osnovnoškolce i srednjoškolce. Kao starija sestra i zdravstveni radnik imam iskustva s djec...
Antonija L.
Antonija L.
- Document verified
Rođena sam u malom mjestu u Švicarskoj, te sam završila školovanje tamo, stoga mogu slobodno reći da je njemački drugi materinji jezik. Engleski sam naučila u školi, te koristeć...
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