Tutoring Žankovci
Found 11 tutors
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Romana J.
Romana J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I studied in England (psychology degree) and I have experience of teaching english. I am also very kind and good with children. :) I can also teach psychology or similar.
Nikolina A.
Nikolina A.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
This year, I finished teaching studies in Croatian language and literature and History. Although I have no experience in giving instructions, I consider myself a very competent ...
Ivan B.
Ivan B.
- Document verified
I am Ivan, in my free time I volunteered as a physics and mathematics tutor for elementary school in Antunovac and for children from the SOS Children's Village association (high...
Ika-Josipa L.
Ika-Josipa L.
Stil poučavanja se mijenja individualnim potrebama djeteta. Prvo se pokušava Uočiti problem u učenju te slabe točke. Dugogodišnje iskustvo u poučavanju djece prirodoslovnim pred...
Dubravka N.
Dubravka N.
- Document verified
Učiteljica sam razredne nastave i veoma sam uspješna u tome. Naročito sam uspješna u podučavanju početnog čitanja i pisanja. Za sve ostle detalje možemo se dogovoriti.
Milica S.
Milica S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Imam iskustva u podučavanju osnovnoškolaca i srednjoškolaca iz područja matematike, biologije, hrvatskog i kemije. S mojim znanjem, strpljenjem i prenošenjem znanja , do sad nit...
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