Tutoring Hrvatski Leskovac

Found 85 tutors

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Nikolina G.

15 €/hour  Croatian  English
  • 25 years
  • Zagreb

Nikolina G.

15 €/hour  Croatian  English
  • Covid-19 vaccine

While making sure I assist you with understanding and applying grammatical concepts in English, we also develop your communication skills through relaxed chit-chat in English as...

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Marta K.

9 €/hour  English
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Marta K.

9 €/hour  English

I have experience in tutoring English for middle school. I am calm and patient and I believe it's extremely important that the student feels good around me so that we can both b...

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Andela L.

7 €/hour  Croatian  English  Singing
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Andela L.

7 €/hour  Croatian  English  Singing
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Hello my name is Angela I finished Applied Art and Design in Osijek. I am 21 years old and I can say for myself that I am a really creative person and I have a lot of hobbies. I...

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Amina H.

5.5 €/hour  Math  English  Singing +2  Guitar
  • 18 years
  • Zagreb

Amina H.

5.5 €/hour  Math  English  Singing  Guitar
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I don’t have much experience with tutoring but I’d love to. I speak several languages like Croatian, English and Spanish fluently. I have been learning German for 9 school years...

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Ana R.

8 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English +3  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Ana R.

8 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school

Hello! I am passionate about teaching mathematics, Croatian, and English. I have a strong affinity for these subjects and excel at explaining complex concepts in a simple way. M...

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Nena J.

10 €/hour  Math  English  Admission high school +2  Final exam high school
  • 64 years
  • Zagreb

Nena J.

10 €/hour  Math  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine

I have experrience in tutoring Mathematics, German, and History. I adapt to the needs of student, the pace of learning, and student's previous knowledge. My specialisation is p...

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Vanessa E.

8 €/hour  Math  Admission high school
  • 51 years
  • Zagreb

Vanessa E.

8 €/hour  Math  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Vaše dijete ima poteškoća s talijanskim!!!! Imam iskustva s podučavanjem talijanskog jezika kako za početnike, tako i za osobe koje moraju učiti jezik zbog posla ili osobnih raz...

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Valentina L.

7 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Valentina L.

7 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school

I have experience in teaching - Croatian language, fine arts, graphic design, drawing, painting and other types of art

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Dorotea P.

4 €/hour  Croatian  English  Physics +2  Admission high school
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Dorotea P.

4 €/hour  Croatian  English  Physics  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Pozdrav, moje ime je Dorotea. Imam 19 godina. Završila sam prirodoslovnu gimanziju u Medicinskoj školi Varaždin, trenutno studiram sestrinstvo na Hrvatskom katoličkom sveučilišt...

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Michelle R.

6 €/hour  Math  English
  • 21 years
  • Zagreb

Michelle R.

6 €/hour  Math  English
  • Document verified

Imam iskustva s instrukcijama matematike za osovnu školu te talijanski u ensgleski jezik. Talijanski jezik mi je materinji te mi je engleski na razini B2-C1

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Nina Č.

15 €/hour  Math  Physics
  • 26 years
  • Zagreb

Nina Č.

15 €/hour  Math  Physics
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Studiram fiziku i matematiku na Open University-u u Engleskoj. Nudim istrukcije iz: matematike i fizike. Osim instrukcija nudim i dodatnu za one koje zele vise. Slazem i prikup...

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Ana P.

9 €/hour  Croatian  English  Singing
  • 24 years
  • Zagreb

Ana P.

9 €/hour  Croatian  English  Singing

I have experience in tutoring Croatian and English language and also violin. These are subjects I do well, and for violin I have won first prizes on national competitions. We ca...

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Martina B.

7 €/hour  Croatian  English
1 reviews
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Martina B.

7 €/hour  Croatian  English
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Imam iskustva pomaganja pri učenju djeci osnovne škole, kod predmeta razredne nastave. Pomažem djeci pri lakšem svladavanju gradiva, te ih podučavam kako što lakše učiti u nared...

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Lara T.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  Physics
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Lara T.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  Physics
  • Document verified

Završila sam srednju za dentalnog tehničara te završavam srednju glazbenu smjer klavirist. Imam iskustva sa podučavanjem u području matematike i fizike za osnovnoškolce te instr...

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Matea K.

8 €/hour  Math  English  Admission high school
  • 18 years
  • Zagreb

Matea K.

8 €/hour  Math  English  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified

Imam iskustva u podučavanju engleskog jezika i matematike, s naglaskom na matematiku. Idem u 4. razred XV. gimnazije u Zagrebu, što je matematička gimnazija te se pripremam da i...

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