Tutoring Oborovo

Found 71 tutors

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Isabella J.

15 €/hour  Croatian  English
  • 54 years
  • Zagreb

Isabella J.

15 €/hour  Croatian  English

Imam iskustva podučavanja engleskog i njemačkog jezika za sve uzraste. Pripremam polaznike za razine A1-C1. Prilagođavam se potrebama polaznika i učenje je vrlo interaktivno. Po...

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Noa M.

10 €/hour  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 23 years
  • Obrezina

Noa M.

10 €/hour  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Document verified

Hi ! I am a french girl speaking fluently English and have basis in Spanish. I am used to teach piano to children and seniors who would like to remember there childhood around...

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Katarina S.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English +3  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Katarina S.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English  Admission high school  Final exam high school

Although I don’t have any experiance in teaching kids I don’t know, I always tought my friends and family. Math was my favourite school subject so I know that best, but I do hav...

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Lana N.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  Admission high school
  • 42 years
  • Zagreb

Lana N.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Imam iskustva u poduci djece u hrvatskom jeziku, matematici, i ako treba pomoć pri učenju i u drugim predmetima.

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Dora B.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian
  • 23 years
  • Ivanić-Grad

Dora B.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian

Studentica sam 4. godine Učiteljskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, smjer razredne nastave s pojačanom Informatikom. Nudim instrukcije za osnovnu školu. U radu s djecom, u školi i instru...

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Ivana S.

10 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school
  • 40 years
  • Zagreb

Ivana S.

10 €/hour  Croatian  English  Admission high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine
  • Document verified


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Ana V.

16 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English +3  Physics  Admission high school
  • 44 years
  • Zagreb

Ana V.

16 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English  Physics  Admission high school

I have experience in teaching subjects in primary and secondary school. I am the mother of two children and I have experience. I will teach your child and help with the subjects...

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Nera T.

15 €/hour  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • 26 years
  • Zagreb

Nera T.

15 €/hour  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine

5th year German language and art history student, both majoring in teaching. I have experience in teaching German and, if necessary, Latin. Also in subjects such as history an...

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Josipa R.

7 €/hour  Croatian
  • 20 years
  • Kobiljak

Josipa R.

7 €/hour  Croatian

Studentica sam 3. godine preddiplomskog studija hrvatskog jezika i književnosti na FFZG-u. Mogu pomoći pri svladavanju gradiva ili odrađivanju određenih zadataka iz tog područja...

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Marija D.

7.5 €/hour  Math  Physics
  • 19 years
  • Zagreb

Marija D.

7.5 €/hour  Math  Physics
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Studentica sam FER-a, završila MIOC. Voljna sam davati instrukcije iz matematike i fizike za osnovnu i srednju školu. Oduvijek mi je matematika bila najdraži predmet i znala sam...

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Barbara N.

5 €/hour  Math  Croatian  Admission high school +2  Final exam high school
  • 19 years
  • Velika Gorica

Barbara N.

5 €/hour  Math  Croatian  Admission high school  Final exam high school
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Imam iskustvo u podučavanju matematike. Osnovnu i srednju školu prolazila sam s 5 iz matematike te završila A razinu matematike. Student sam Socijalnog rada na Pravnome fakultet...

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Mirko M.

10 €/hour  Croatian  English
  • 28 years
  • Zagreb

Mirko M.

10 €/hour  Croatian  English
  • Document verified

Podučavam i pomažem u učenju i pisanju zadaća za osnovnu školu i srednju školu predmeti: Hrvatski jezik Engleski jezik Povijest Geografija Logika Politika

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Lea H.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English
  • 28 years
  • Zagreb

Lea H.

10 €/hour  Math  Croatian  English
  • Document verified

Imam iskustva u podučavanju učenika nižih razreda, priroda, hrvatski, matematika, engleski, kao potpora u učenju i pripremanju određenih gradiva za ispit. Završila sam nastavnič...

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Petra A.

10 €/hour  Croatian
  • 22 years
  • Zagreb

Petra A.

10 €/hour  Croatian

I have exsperience in tutoring Croatian and biology. (Prime school)

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Ljubica G.

13 €/hour  Math
  • 49 years
  • Sesvete

Ljubica G.

13 €/hour  Math

Magistra sam ekonomije, imam iskustvo u davanju poduke iz matematike i kemije za osnovne i srednje strukovne škole. S podukama sam krenula na nagovor kolegica kojima je bila pot...

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