Tutoring Sopnica Sesvetska
Found 22 tutors
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Helena S.
Helena S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in tutoring primary and middle school students (1st to 8th grade) through interactive learning methods. I mostly offer help with English, Math and Physics. I a...

Mia Č.
Mia Č.
- Document verified
As an excellent student of the high school I do well in all subjects, and I could help students, who need it, with their school assignments without any problems. Teenagers and ...

Kanita H.
Kanita H.
- Document verified
I have one year of experience teaching children from 1st to 6th grade in mathematics, English, and Croatian. With my background in Textile Engineering, I enjoy helping young stu...

Silvija G.
Silvija G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Završila sam opću gimnaziju nakon koje sam uspješno završila i Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva. Tijekom srednje škole, često sam davala instrukcije svojim kolegama iz razr...

Kristijan J.
Kristijan J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I passed the high school program in science and mathematics with excellent results and I am a pharmacy student. I often helped my colleagues, so I think I have experience in sol...

Stela T.
Stela T.
I offer help with writting essays for elementary and high school, from Croatian essays and summaries, English, Sociology and other social sciences subjects. I create presentatio...

Leonarda B.
Leonarda B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Instrukcije iz Engleskog ONLINE Profesorica, magistra edukacije eng. jezika; Nudim (online) instrukcije za osnovnu (7. i 8. razred) i srednju školu te fakultet. Instrukcije mog...

Katarina V.
Katarina V.
- Document verified
Imam iskustva u radu sa djecom koja imaju govorno jezične poteškoće i specifične poteškoće u čitanju i pisanju

Antonija L.
Antonija L.
- Document verified
Rođena sam u malom mjestu u Švicarskoj, te sam završila školovanje tamo, stoga mogu slobodno reći da je njemački drugi materinji jezik. Engleski sam naučila u školi, te koristeć...

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