- 2 years experience with babysitting
- 23 years
- Zadar
- She has already been contacted by 5 parents
- Activity 7 days ago
- Response time: 3 hours
- Pomorska skola Zadar
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- I babysit at parents' place
- I can take kids by car
- she can babysit 2 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Travel for Vacations
Minea M.
7.5 €/hour
- 23 years
- 2 years experience with babysitting
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification
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About me
Moje ime je Minea,imam 23 godine te sam završila četverogodišnju Pomorsku školu,smjer Tehničar za brodostrojarstvo.
Svoje slobodno vrijeme volim provoditi u prirodi,ići na kupanje,baviti se nekom fizičkom aktivnosti.
Uz posao na puno radno vrijeme dodatno radim i kao teta animatorica u igraonici te sam okruzena djecom razne dobi.
Imam iskustva u čuvanju djece u dobi od godinu pa nadalje.Po potrebi vodim brigu i o zdravlju djeteta(antibiotik,probiotik,itd)
General Experience
1 year
1 year
no experience
no experience
no experience
Special Experience
Care for Sick Children
Skills and Hobbies
Drawing, painting and Sport
Deutsch and Croatian