Home cleaning Blato
Found 99 cleaners
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Elizabeth I.
Elizabeth I.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I'm an American, temporarily living in Zagreb with my spouse. I've helped others in my community with their housecleaning responsibilities throughout the years, and they've been...

Kristijan M.
Kristijan M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am involved on cleaning on daily bases. Use to work for the cleaning company in Slovenia, where i cleaned offices and production facilities. I also worked at the car wash company

Martina B.
Martina B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Pozdrav:) Bavim se čišćenjem stanova i kuća duže vrijeme. Osim toga iskustvo sam stekla radeći ljetnu sezonu kao sobarica na našem primorju. Posjedujem parni čistač-Kärcher koj...

Florijan S.
Florijan S.
- Document verified
Svakodnevno čistim svoj dom te vam mogu pomoći kod brisanja prašine, usisavanja, pranja suđa i svih ostalih kućanskih poslova.

Uglavnom sam dostupna radnim danom od 17:00 sati i vikendom.