Tutoring Lučko
Found 131 tutors
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Valentina L.
Valentina L.
- Document verified
I have experience in teaching - Croatian language, fine arts, graphic design, drawing, painting and other types of art

Samantha V.
Samantha V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in teaching Croatian language, accounting, and generally all elementary school subjects, as well as subjects for economic high schools. I graduated in linguist...

Karlo R.
Karlo R.
- Document verified
I am a third-year student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, with over a year and a half of industry experience—one year at Ericsson and six months at KPMG....

Tara B.
Tara B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience teaching mathematics, computer science, chemistry, and English. These are also my favorite subjects in school, and I enjoy teaching them. I have participated i...

Nikolina E.
Nikolina E.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Mag.edu for English language. Tutoring primary and secondary school children, students and conversational language use. I can also give instructions for all primary school subje...

Paula R.
Paula R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I study mechanical engineering in Zagreb and I offer tutoring in mathematics and physics for elementary and middle school students. I am very patient, understanding, and motivat...

Ruža K.
Ruža K.
- Document verified
I am student of Croatian Language and Literature with years of experience providing tutoring in the Croatian language. In addition to tutoring, I offer writing services for boo...

Nika P.
Nika P.
- Document verified
Im a biology student at PMF Zagreb, tutoring STEM subjects, as well as matura exam preparation (biology, chemistry and math, english and croatian)

Larisa N.
Larisa N.
I’m a university student studying mathematics therefore I can help children with maths and similar subjects. I also hold a Cambridge certificate at C1 level in english so I can...

Martina G.
Martina G.
Hello! I am Martina, a graduate engineer in electrical engineering and computer science with experience in volunteering to teach children mathematics. I offer tutoring in mathem...