Tutoring Lučko
Found 131 tutors
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Petra M.
Petra M.
- Document verified
Imam iskustva u podučavanju i pomoći pri pisanju zadaća te pripremama za ispite. Imam razumijevanja i strpljiva sam. :) Do sada sam podučavala djecu od 9 do 17 godina s raznim ...

Ana F.
Ana F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Frequent help in learning, one-time explanation of primary or secondary school material, preparation for graduation and entrance exams. Although I do everything, I specialise in...

Mirjana R.
Mirjana R.
- Document verified
Retired professor of business communication, autor of books, offers induvidual or group trainings of communication skills for children, pupils, students and all peoole who recog...

Andrea M.
Andrea M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience teaching and helping my sisters and brothers with their homework. I also helped my peers with their studies in several years of schooling. I have always excell...

Martina B.
Martina B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Imam iskustva pomaganja pri učenju djeci osnovne škole, kod predmeta razredne nastave. Pomažem djeci pri lakšem svladavanju gradiva, te ih podučavam kako što lakše učiti u nared...

Ana R.
Ana R.
Hello! I am passionate about teaching mathematics, Croatian, and English. I have a strong affinity for these subjects and excel at explaining complex concepts in a simple way. M...

Ana K.
Ana K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am a second year student of Molecular biology. I have experience in tutoring students in a wide range of capabilities, age and complexity of the topic. I can help students und...

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