Tutoring Kozjača
Found 135 tutors
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Martina G.
Martina G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Izvorni sam govornik njemačkog jezika s višegodišnjim iskustvom privatnog podučavanja njemačkog jezika. Podučavam sve dobne skupine, a pristup je indivudialan i oblikovan prema...
Matea K.
Matea K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Imam iskustva u podučavanju engleskog jezika i matematike, s naglaskom na matematiku. Idem u 4. razred XV. gimnazije u Zagrebu, što je matematička gimnazija te se pripremam da i...
Magdalena L.
Magdalena L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi! I have been giving instructions from math and physics for primary school for over 5 years, and I lead the classes so that the student works independently as much as possible...
Maida K.
Maida K.
I have many years of experience in tutoring in all subjects. I also prepared students for the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (for admission) and for other tests. I gave priva...
Nikolina G.
Nikolina G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
While making sure I assist you with understanding and applying grammatical concepts in English, we also develop your communication skills through relaxed chit-chat in English as...
Anja B.
Anja B.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am studying at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varaždin - majoring in informatics. I help elementary school students master the material of informatics, mathema...
Andela L.
Andela L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello my name is Angela I finished Applied Art and Design in Osijek. I am 21 years old and I can say for myself that I am a really creative person and I have a lot of hobbies. I...
Noa M.
Noa M.
- Document verified
Hi ! I am a french girl speaking fluently English and have basis in Spanish. I am used to teach piano to children and seniors who would like to remember there childhood around...
Anamarija H.
Anamarija H.
- Document verified
Imam iskustva u poučavanju solfeggia (osnovna i srednja glazbena škola), sviranja klavira, pomaganju u osnovnoj školi i srednjoj školi. Mogu pomoći u učenju, ne moraju biti dosl...
Nora J.
Nora J.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hello dear parents! I have experience in tutitoring for primary school. I have been tutoring for 2 years. My favourite subject has always been Croatian language so I would love ...
Klaudija V.
Klaudija V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I am currently in my last year of Master's Degree in English and Sociology. I offer tutoring for elementary and high school students, preparation for the state graduation exam, ...
Većinom vremena sam slobodna prema rasporedu koji je dolje, jedino ako nekad imam neke vezane termine za školu ili slično. Isto malo varira o mjestu gdje Vi i gdje ja živim, ali to varira otprilike do sat vremena, možda sat i pol.