- 23 godina
- Obrezina
- 3 korisnika su je već kontaktirali
- Šalje fotografije sa čuvanja kućnih ljubimaca.
- Aktivnost prije 2 mjeseca.
- Vrijeme odgovora: 1 sat
- Lycée Andrée argouges, Grenoble
- Noćenje kod mene doma
- Posjet i igra
- Šetanje psa
- Čuvanje kod mene doma preko dana
- Mali (do 5 kg)
- Srednje (do 25 kg)
- Veliki (do 40 kg)
- Ogroman (preko 40 kg)
- Odrasli
- Stariji
- Nemam djece 0-5
- Nemam djece 6-12

Noa M.
8 €/sat
30 €/dan
- 23 godina
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O meni
Hi !
I have experience and knowledge with family pets such as dogs, cats and rabbits, and farm animals (horses, donkeys, sheeps, chicken). I lived on a ranch for more than a year, taking daily care of everybody. I still do work on a ranch with horses, dogs and feather's animals.
As I have my own dog and like to go on adventures with her I passed a first aid certificate for dogs.
I don't like big cities and prefer to go as much as possible in woods, fields, play with sticks and find a nice refreshing river.
For farm animals I know how to disinfect a bite, scratch or so, I recognize signs of hoofs problems (abscess generally, find and treat it).
Having cats, I always spend some cuddling and playing time with them, checking that they have everything they need (clean litter, food, water, cat's herbs...).
Što bih želio znati o psu/kućnom ljubimcu
For dogs I require not reactive dogs, never mind the breed. If possible I would like to be able to bring my own dog for walks.
I also need to know if the dog is sick in the car, of he has some allergies, his habits and so on.
For any animals I would like to do the tasks asked at least once with the owner.
Fluent in French and English Basis in Spanish Understand casual Croatian