- 23 godina
- Obrezina
- 3 korisnika su je već kontaktirali
- Aktivnost prije 2 mjeseca.
- Vrijeme odgovora: 1 sat
- Lycée Andrée argouges, Grenoble
- Godine iskustva: 3
- Srednja škola
- upis u srednju školu
- upis u osnovnu školu
- Fakultet
- Kod učenika
- Online video poduke

Noa M.
10 €/sat
- 23 godina
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O meni
Hi !
I am a french girl speaking fluently English and have basis in Spanish.
I am used to teach piano to children and seniors who would like to remember there childhood around the piano.
I don't do music theory by itself, it's included in the instrumental assessment. My goal is not to be in class but to understand and enjoy in music.
I never properly gave french lessons but I can adapt to your level.
I am not willing to give classes to anybody who doesn't want to, on the way that I don't want to force the persons to do homework or so, for piano or language.
Podučavanje predmeta

Posebne potrebe
Fluent in French and English Basis in Spanish Understand casual Croatian