 Fotografije čuvanja kućnih ljubimaca
  • 27 godina
  • Zagreb
  • 2 korisnika su je već kontaktirali
  • Šalje fotografije sa čuvanja kućnih ljubimaca.
  • Aktivnost prije 4 mjeseca.
  • Vrijeme odgovora: 1 dan
  •  The British School Punta Arenas
  •  Duoc UC, Agricultural engineering
  •  Posjet i igra
  •  Šetanje psa
  •  Mali (do 5 kg)
  •  Srednje (do 25 kg)
  •  Veliki (do 40 kg)
  •  Ogroman (preko 40 kg)
  •  Junior
  •  Odrasli
  •  Stariji
  •  Ja nemam mačku
  •  Nemam djece 0-5
  •  Nemam djece 6-12

Rodrigo A.

10 €/sat

40 €/dan

  • 27 godina
  • Covid-19 cjepivo

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O meni

Hello! I'm able to take care of dogs no matter the size, actually, I have two dogs one of 5 years old (Apolo) and the other is 2 years old (Princess). I can understand they behave well and they like me very much.
I like to play with them while we take a walk, and also I can teach them something.
I have experience taking care of dogs so you can see me as a good option for your dear pet.

Što bih želio znati o psu/kućnom ljubimcu

Let me know what kind of dog I will take care of so I can be prepared for you and their necessity, whether they need a long walk or play or just take care at home. I can wash them if you want me to.


All week

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Engleski, Španjolski, Talijanski, Portugalski i Hrvatski

I have a very good level of English and I am studying hrvatski. I can understand Italian, a little french and talk some Portuguese

Gdje brinuti o kućnim ljubimcima:

Primarni grad: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb » Zagreb