  • 17 godina iskustva u čuvanju djece
  • 45 godina
  • Zagreb
  • 1 roditelja već ju je kontaktiralo
  • Aktivnost prije oko 2 mjeseca.
  • Vrijeme odgovora: 1 dan
  •  Amit Amal high school
  • Certifikat prve pomoći
  •  siterica preferira: 20 do 40 sati tjedno
  •  ona može čuvati 3 djece djeca

Svetlana O.

10 €/sat

  • 45 godina
  • 17 godina iskustva u čuvanju djece

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O meni

My name is Svetana. I live in Zagreb 18 years. I do speak Croatian, but English is still easier for me. :)
I am educated as Parenting guide, working part time in kindergarten and looking for a nice family to work in addition with children. I am a mother to 4, so I have a lot of experience. In addition I am nutritionist and natural therapist, so I have healthy approach to life. If you find my offer interesting, feel free to contact.

Općenito iskustvo


6 godina

mala djeca

6 godina


6 godina


6 godina


5 godina

Posebno iskustvo

Children with ADHD, twins

Vještine i hobiji

Crtanje, slikanje i Ples/tjelesna aktivnost

Yoga, relaxation activities


First Aid, Parenting guide, NLP coach, Groupd facilitator, nutritionist, aromatherapist, refleksolog

Gdje čuva djecu

Primarni grad: Zagreb, Grad Zagreb » Zagreb